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The snow and the machines


The snow and the machines

Neumayer Station in the Antarctic by photographer Lars Focke.

The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines
The snow and the machines

It would be all ice and white powder as far as the eye can see if it wasn’t for the german research center, Neumayer III. The various machines and man made artifacts seem abandoned in another planet while the monotone Antarctic frames them in these spectacular photos by german photographer, Lars Focke. To see more of his work, click here.

Miguel Rivera Dávila, Contributor
Son of a mexican father and peruvian mother. Indie filmmaker with nomad tendencies and a need to travel. Currently in a tireless search for the best burger in the world.
MORE BY Miguel Rivera Dávila, Contributor