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Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli


Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli

Travel notes from an Australian around the world

Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli
Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli
Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli
Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli
Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli
Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli
Through the eyes of Adrian Mowgli

Adrian is an australian photographer and illustrator currently living in Barcelona. His personal project This is mowgli allows him to travel, make adventures and with that: create collaborations with several brands, magazines and personal stuff. Here, some quick questions:

Things you always consider in your backpack.
Camera, Sketchbook, Travel Snacks and Pocket Knife.

What’s your favorite scene to shoot?
Colours, cultures and people I think.

Some of your photos are hiding something, behind a ¨spy eye¨, with shadows, plants, doors, do you intend to make this on purpose or there is a shy view from your frame?
Yeah i´m not sure why i do that haha. I think it creates a mysterious and less intrusive view of a person, place or scenario… like you are hidden behind something looking into a scene or discovering a moment and nobody knows you are there.

You are a photographer and also an illustrator, most of your assignments are travel related, how this came up?
I have always travelled a lot it is a big part of my life and the reason i started taking photos is because of travelling and i find inspiration from paintings and illustrations i see while i travel so all of the work i do seems to relate to this.

Any specific stories from your stories you’ll like to share?
Wow, I have a lot of stories (laughs) I don’t know where to start. Maybe I can tell you about one of the most uncomfortable moments travelling when I ended up in the middle of a war in Kashmir in India and we had to be escorted by the army through empty streets and buildings filled with bomb marks, rubble, barbed wire and burnt down buildings, with only a few soldiers walking around… I saw a street full of people shooting and throwing bottles at some soldiers on the other side it was pretty heavy, I probably won’t forget that.

When you’re looking down the lens of a camera, what’s the first thing you take in mind?
The most important thing for me is to capture the atmosphere of a place so that someone can see my photo and feel the same feelings I felt when I was there taking the photo.

Adrian Mowgli is an australian photographer, graphic designer & illustrator working for various publications, brands and clients around the world.


Follow him on instagram @adrianmowgli

Photo. Adrian Mogwli

Valentina Alvarado Matos, Contributor
Social Media Manager at eldorado from Venezuela, graphic designer and visual artist.
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